Jean-Benoit (JB) Morin

Director of the Department of Sport Sciences, University of Saint-Etienne (France) Full Professor at the University of Saint-Etienne (France), Director of the Department of Sport Sciences, and a member of the Interuniversity Laboratory of Human Movement Biology (LIBM)

About this speaker

Jean-Benoit (JB) Morin is also an associate researcher with the Sports Research Institute New-Zealand (SPRINZ) at Auckland University of Technology, and visiting Professor in Locomotion Biomechanics at the School of Sport, Exercise, and Health Science at Loughborough University. He obtained a Track & Field Coach National Diploma in 1998 and a Ph.D. in Human Locomotion and Performance in 2004 under the joint supervision of Pr Alain Belli (University of Saint-Etienne, France) and Pr Pietro di Prampero (University of Udine, Italy). JB’s field of research is mainly human locomotion and performance, with a specific interest in running biomechanics and maximal power movements (sprint, jumps). He has edited a textbook Biomechanics of Training and Testing, Springer, 2018), and published over 160 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He is also a consultant for professional sports groups in soccer, rugby, sprint, and other power-speed sports. He practiced soccer for 10 years, practiced and coached track and field (middle distance and 400m hurdles) for eight years, and he now enjoys trail running and triathlon.

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Sprint Mechanics and Sprint-Related Hamstring Injuries: Theoretical Bases, Emerging Evidence, Future Directions

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Jean-Benoit (JB) Morin

Podcast with Ken Clark & JB Morin

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